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Branch/Store Opening

Bob arrives at the branch and selects the “Here @ Branch” button in the Everbridge mobile app. This notifies local branch employees working that day. They do not need to confirm receipt, this just informs them that Bob is starting the branch open sequence (sweep sequence).

Bob activates a four-minute Safe Corridor on the Everbridge mobile app. This time-based safety mechanism will alert security if Bob does not check in within four minutes. It gives him time to unlock the doors and turn off the alarms. He exits his car and walks to the main entrance.

While Bob is unlocking the door, an assailant jumps out of the bushes, points a firearm at Bob and demands his phone. Bob complies and turns over his phone. Unbeknownst to the assailant, the four-minute Safe Corridor timer continues to run.

The assailant puts Bob’s phone in his pocket and forces Bob into the now unlocked branch at gunpoint. The assailant demands that Bob turn off the alarms, open the bank’s vault, and turn over the branch’s bank notes as well as anything Bob has of value.

The Safe Corridor timer on the app reaches zero, and an SOS is sent directly to security indicating a problem. Still in the assailant’s pocket, Bob’s phone does not give any visual or audio indication. It silently broadcasts the SOS, geolocation and live audio to the security team.

Security can tell from the audio that this is most likely a robbery situation. They pull up live video from the branch in Everbridge Control Center and confirm the situation. The assailant is still unaware that he has been discovered.

Security activates the crisis management plan for robberies, which includes tasks to notify local law enforcement and the bank’s local response team as well setting up up a standing conference bridge for this incident. Other branch staff are automatically told to not report to work.

Security and local response team members collaborate using secure video chat and secure messaging. Meanwhile, local law enforcement arrives at the branch and, after a short standoff, the assailant surrenders peacefully and is taken into custody.

Local response team members arrive. The police take statements, and the robbery attempt is documented in Everbridge. An After-Action Report (AAR) can be produced that explains the situation and identifies the actions of each team member. Dashboards are shared with leadership.