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Your team monitors a hurricane approaching the US. Everbridge automatically identifies and locates people, buildings, suppliers, and company infrastructure in the potential landfall area. You can also see the locations of business continuity assets available for response, should the need arise.

Your team decides to launch the Critical Event Management plan for hurricanes. This plan includes tasks, communications, and documentation for business continuity, life safety/employee protection, storm-related supply chain planning, and preparation for any storm-related IT issues.

CEM collaboration automates preparation. Facilities receive actionable task lists to help prepare. Employees receive closure notices, and SCM plans for disruption. The BC team is stood up and tasked with crisis response. Stakeholders are kept in the loop with mobile dashboards.

You position first responders and response assets in designated areas. You know the parking locations of your 4WD vehicles, current locations of the response team, and planned locations of travelers and guests, so you can advise everyone where to go and what to do.

Using visibility into traffic conditions and cameras, FEMA evacuation routes, shelter locations, and public safety locations, you can help with equipment staging and employee evacuation. When the storm is over, you can also evaluate post-storm transport conditions and direct first responders.

As the storm hits, your team monitors wind, rain, flooding, storm surge, cameras, and social media. You automatically receive updates from NHC, NWS, NOAA, and TWC. You can view all this information in the context of your assets, improving your ability to predict damage at specific locations.

Throughout the storm, you can communicate with response teams, stakeholders, and employees. The storm spawns a tornado that puts employee life safety and a facility at risk. Everbridge automatically notifies employees and the facility manager to take shelter.

Everbridge acts like another member of your team, automating messaging and monitoring and logging all responses. People who respond that they need help or who fail to respond are segregated out and escalated so a person can contact them for a wellness check.

Employees can report damage or issues using the Everbridge mobile app. If an employee encounters trouble, the mobile app can call emergency services and notify your team, including a live feed from the employee’s device. You can instantly identify the nearest police, fire station, or hospital.

Your leadership team wants to stay informed. Jaime, the CSO of the company, calls for an update. You fill him in, then refer him to the team dashboard so he can monitor task progress personally. You also send him a SitRep.

The storm moves away from the area. Because you already have insight into where the worst damage is, you can execute your BC/DR plan with a higher degree of accuracy. Your response teams are dispatched and use mobile task lists and forms to document damage.

After the storm is over, you can evaluate various aspects of your performance. All activities in Everbridge are logged, and important data – like metrics on your operations and details about service recovery – is archived and used for an ARR and future tabletop exercises.