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Non-violent Protest

Everbridge publishes an alert that there is a protest planned this evening near some of your offices and hotels where you have travelers staying. Everbridge automatically identifies the location of each asset in relation to the planned protest and notifies your security team.

You mark the protest route, then view traffic conditions and cameras. You can see congestion around the route, including a building crowd. You can also see that at least two of your facilities are very close to the protest. Everbridge issues an updated alert indicating the protest has begun.

While this protest is relatively small and is occurring outside of working hours, you still need to ensure that your people are safe and your facilities are secure. You select the area on the map and launch a critical event, which activates your protest Crisis Management Plan for Civil Unrest.

The plan includes communications for local security stakeholders, who can join a conference bridge or secure chat to discuss the situation. Travelers at local hotels also receive a notification informing them of the situation and asking them to acknowledge receipt and respond with their status.

The plan also includes task lists that can be activated as needed. Since this is a minor protest outside of working hours, it is unlikely to require a full-blown activation. However, Facilities staff should prepare the facility and overnight staff should be advised to stay inside for the duration.

A traveler arriving from outside the area enters the protest area of concern you defined when you launched your plan. The employee receives a warning message. The security team is also notified. You reach out directly to the employee to advise him how to get to his hotel.

The central Crisis Management team requests a status update from each office within the area to understand the local impact of the protest on the office locations, giving them a complete understanding of the business impact

The protest ends at approximately 9 PM local time. Everbridge compiles a SitRep that includes your written summary of the event, a map, a list of all task lists that were activated and documentation of all communications that were sent. The SitRep can be distributed to stakeholders as appropriate.